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I've got butterflies in my stomach, le blog de catherine grangier
I've got butterflies in my stomach, le blog de catherine grangier
Depuis la création 36 920
23 août 2014


entre scènes de ménage et femme-maison, c'est peut-être l'histoire d'une chute, d'une femme qui dégringole, qui tombe dans le piège ouaté d'une image imposée... a fallen woman, comme la définissait la société britannique du 19e siècle :

In some cases, a woman may have been regarded as fallen simply because she was educated, eccentric, or elusive. Whatever the case may be, female fallenness as it appears in each of these renderings was the result of a woman’s deviation from social norms, in turn strongly linked to moral expectations. In the mid 19th century, for example, "For middle-class men seeking to establish a different basis for authority, from that which had been used by the nobility, moral authority became the key issue, evident in the power exercised by a man over the nuclear or bourgeois family and in his ability to regulate women's sexuality through her protection and containment in the domestic sphere." Caine, Barbara; Glenda Sluga (2000). Gendering European History. London: Continuum. p. 57

c'est l'histoire d'une oscillation entre protection et prison, entre se cacher et se montrer, entre enfermement et plaisir... 

c'est une histoire de contradictions....


la femme fracassée2


le femme fracassée4


... et mon expo pour oviedo est pratiquement prête....!



I've got butterflies in my stomach, le blog de catherine grangier